Hamilton Lodge School for Deaf Children

Hamilton Lodge School for Deaf Children, Walpole Road, Brighton BN2 0LS

Walpole Road

Brighton BN2 0LS

01273 682362

Non-maintained special school, boarding

Hearing impairment; moderate learning difficulty

Pupils (5-19) 64

Free school meals 26.7%

English not as first language 75%

Headteacher David Couch

Chair Martin Redshaw

Overall effectiveness Good

"You have maintained and built upon the good standards reached at the last inspection. Leadership roles in the school and governing body have been clarified more precisely, teaching is improving and pupils make good progress from their different starting points, including learners in the post-16 provision. Pupils behave well, developing more confidence and a strong sense of identity because they are cared for exceptionally well by a stable team of devoted staff."; "Leaders and all staff working in the school carry out their duties with dedication and energy, with a strong commitment to improving pupils' communication. Staff rate highly the quality of training and professional development that they receive, and they quickly acquire impressive skills in British Sign Language (BSL), which is the medium of communication used throughout the school. Hearing and deaf staff work together as a strong team and are inspiring role models for pupils, demonstrating that sensory impairment is no barrier to success."

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