The fun that is Skinny Latte

Skinny Latte is fun to say. Perhaps that's why we hear it so often.

Skinny Latte is fun to say. Perhaps that's why we hear it so often. Skimmed milk, red top, skim or skinny - it's all the same thing. It's whole milk, but with the cream removed, thus creating a lower-calorie option.

It's not a failsafe diet option though. Prefixing "large mocha with hazelnut syrup and whipped cream" with "skinny" really doesn't count. The milk renaissance calls into question the actual benefits of a calorie controlled diet.

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Some schools of thought state that your body will seek the missing calories (of which it's been deprived by you ordering your skinny cappuccino) elsewhere. Perhaps in one of those Brownies which we put as near as humanly possible to the point of sale.

There's also a bit of historical knowledge that the skinny milk brigade really should know. Back in the day, we used it to supplement pigs' pellet feed diet. Given that we humans generally only feed farm animals the minimum food required to fatten them up ready for slaughter, it makes you wonder why skimmed milk played such a major part in their diet.

At our place, we'll happily make you a skinny latte, skinny cappuccino or anything else you want to say after "skinny". We'll also happily plate up one of those Brownies.