
CHURCH SERVICES: Church of St Andrew and St Mary the Virgin, Sunday, 10am Parish Communion. Wednesday, 10am Holy Communion.

CHROMATICS CHOIR: Meets on Monday at 7pm.

FLETCHING SINGERS: Rehearse Tuesday at 7.45pm.

FORGET ME NOTS: Meet on Tuesday for tea in the village hall with bingo and a raffle. The Forget Me Nots have resumed meetings. Most events will be on the last Tuesday of each month. Emma Hannay has agreed to take on the role of organiser, supported by Lesley Dickens. Richard Hannay has volunteered to be the club’s treasurer, again assisted by Lesley Dickens. The club was one of many local beneficiaries of Robert Witham’s will and decided to use his bequest to fund this year’s Christmas lunch which will be held in The Rose and Crown at 1pm on November 27. The club is keen to welcome new members who can call Emma on 01825 705005 or just turn up for the bingo on October 30. The club will also be having a stall as usual with a tombola at the Village Christmas Fair.

MARTIAL ARTS: Kobudo Martial Arts meet on Thursday at 5pm.

100 YEARS AGO: Sussex Express 25 October 1918. Uckfield Scourged. Another Influenza Death. The epidemic of influenza at Uckfield is not diminishing. Business is much hampered. Last weekend one shop in Framfield Road displayed in front of its drawn blind the notice, ‘Closed on account of illness,’ and several tradespeople have been hardly put to it to carry on their work. The Steam Laundry, which ordinarily employs a score or more hands, has not been able to deal with any work this week, and one baker would have been obliged to leave customers breadless but for the kindly assistance of a friendly rival in the trade. The doctors are working at very high pressure, the approach of surgery hours being productive of queues.

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