LETTER: Private sector can provide services

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Why does Cllr Helena Croft (Roffey North) wish to spend taxpayers’ money on installing WiFi across Horsham town? (Horsham edition, 11.9.14, p25).

This comes just at the time as the mobile telephone operators are upgrading from 3G to significantly faster 4G – for example mobile phone company O2 switched on 4G in Horsham last month.

It is not for the public sector to spend taxpayers’ money providing services that the private sector can do so much better. The waste of money on West Street is just eye-watering.

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No doubt the public will remind Mrs Croft of this in May 2015, along with her rejection of electors’ wishes to stop massive dumping of housing and industrial development on green fields in North Horsham.


North Parade, Horsham