Back garden housing scheme planned between Hailsham and Polegate

Abbots Way. Photo: planning documentsAbbots Way. Photo: planning documents
Abbots Way. Photo: planning documents
A developer has put forward plans for a back garden housing scheme between Hailsham and Polegate.

In an application submitted to Wealden District Council, a developer is seeking permission in principle to build up to three houses to the rear of a property known as Abbots Way in Polegate Road.

The site lies outside of both Hailsham and Polegate’s development boundaries, but the applicant argues the council’s shortage of housing means the scheme should be approved.

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In a statement submitted as part of the application, a spokesman for the applicant said: “The site lies outside any defined development boundary and therefore Wealden’s development plan generally resists residential development in this location.

“However, Wealden cannot demonstrate a five year supply of housing land and its housing policies are out of date.

“Paragraph 11 of the [National Planning Policy Framework] confirms that where there are no up-to-date plan policies, permission should be granted, unless the policies in the Framework provide clear reasons for refusal or the adverse impacts will significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.”

The applicant goes on to argue that the site is in a sustainable location, with shops and services (including buses) within walking distance. They also say any adverse impacts from the development would be outweighed by the benefits of additional housing.

For further information on the proposals see application reference WD/2023/2520/PIP on the Wealden District Council website.