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GREETINGS: Did you see the eclipse last Sunday/Monday night? I went out into the garden about 4 am to have a look. It was worth it !! Apart from the partially eclipsed super moon, the stars and planets were so brilliant. I could have done with an expert to tell me what was what. Even Orion was there in the southern sky. There was a brilliant planet to the east, but I’m not sure if it was Mars or Jupiter. The super moon occurs when the moon’s orbit, which is not circular, brings it as close to the earth as it gets. And because of this proximity, the red parts of the spectrum are refracted more than the blue light. Being out at that time doesn’t do anything to encourage a bright early start the next morning.!

CHURCH NEWS: The service at 10.30 am will be the Family Communion for the 18th Sunday after Trinity. It is celebrated as Animal Welfare Sunday because it is the nearest Sunday to St. Francis Day, on 4th October. So for this year it is on the actual day in question. Apparently Pearly Kings and Queens will assemble at St. Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square for a service of thanksgiving. William Tyndale was born on 6th October in 1536.

HARVEST SUPPER: This takes place this evening, Friday, at 7 for 7.30 pm. It is hoped that you have already booked your tickets, but if not, a telephone call to Christine Wheeler or Janet Pegg would tell you if there is room for you to go.

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WEATHER: If this is an Indian Summer, I’m all in favour.! The sunshine has been a delight, staving off the onset of winter. But have you noticed how the nights are drawing in so rapidly? Now that we are past the Equinox, we have more darkness than light. There are masses of berries turning the hedgerows red, shining in the sunshine. And a few leaves are beginning to show their autumn colours.

QUEEN’S HEAD: The live music this coming Sunday, 4th October, will be played by the Sands Quintet Sinatra, playing Standards. There will be a Quiz on Wednesday 7th October , beginning at 8.30 pm. Proceeds are for St. Michael’s Hospice. The question this time is, How many moons does Jupiter have?

WALKING FESTIVAL: As part of the 1066 Walking Festival, there is a 10 mile circular walk as a fund raiser for St. Michael’s Hospice, leaving at 10.30 am on Saturday 3rd October. Starting and finishing at the Queen’s Head. We should be back by about 3 pm. BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH. As a result of recent rain there will be mud, particularly after leaving Pelsham. You have been warned! There is no need to book, just turn up. Donations for the Hospice will be collected at the end. If you would like any further details, please contact [email protected] and talk to Keith.

HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: Firstly, a message from Stuart. On behalf of the Icklesham Horticultural Society, may I take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported our Autumn Show last Saturday. Special thanks must go to those who made this possible : Anne, Mick, Judy, Christine, Barbara, Simon and Mags who covered for Kim sorting out the day’s finances. The Children’s Section was again sponsored by The Robin Hood, and Manor Farm Oast sponsored the best Summer Dessert. Their continued support is very much appreciated. The Society’s AGM will be on 23rd October at 7.30 pm. Please make every effort to attend.

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AND ALSO: It was a lovely autumn day for our aptly named Autumn Show. Well done Stuart Baker for his splendid display of dahlias, and also for winning four trophies by the end of the day. Also, keeping it in the family, congratulations to Mags Baker for winning the shield for best in the Cookery section with her cheese scones. Other winners were Wendy Mitchell for the Best Seasonal Dessert. This class and the shield are kindly sponsored by Kate and Syd Mylrea of Manor Farm Oast. Ann Osborne won the trophy for most points in the vegetables and fruit classes, and Judy Foster won the shield for a member living outside the village for the most points in all three shows. This Show also includes the Children’s classes. Well done to all of those who entered, especially all the medal winners, and to Gracie Daniels for winning the Dunn Cup for the child with the most points and to Church House for winning the inter-house Challenge Cup. Thank you to Sue and Mick from the Robin Hood for kindly sponsoring the medals for these classes. Special thanks to Barbara for doing the raffle, Christine for stepping in to run the tombola at the last minute, Judy and Mags for serving the lovely teas, Simon for working out the points, Michael for helping to get the hall ready on Friday night, and everyone who helped with the tidying up at the end of the afternoon. And finally, many thanks to Jane Ahmed for presenting the trophies.The AGM will be on Friday 23rd October in the Memorial Hall, starting at 7 pm.

CUP AND TROPHY WINNERS the Les Burns Memorial Trophy, Stuart Baker; The John Austen Trophy, Ann Osborne; the Galbraith Cup, Stuart Baker; the Kath Harmes Salver, Stuart Baker; The Phoebe Merricks Cup, Stuart Baker. In the Children’s section these are the results : Class 1, Gold, Harry Gillard; Silver, Isolde Dunbar-Betts and Jack Reynolds; Bronze, Hanna Twamley-Sinfield and Harrison Williams. Class 2, Gold, Finley Leonard; Silver, Lauren Kilbey; Bronze, Edie Conklin. Class 3, Gold, Sophie Tomson and Jasmine Tortello-Myers; Silver, Connor Leonard; Bronze, Eve Bolton. Class 4, Gold, Gracie Daniels; Silver Harry Kilbey; Bronze, Isabelle Tomlinson.

SEPTEMBER SCARECROWS: The winners of this fun competition were ; Best Devil number 4, Harvest Festival Devil, and the Best Angel was number 5, Angel Delight. Each winner receives £10. The total raised for the Pavilion Fund will be announced next week.

PAVILION NEWS: We still wait for the insurance work to be carried out on the pavilion. We need to continue to focus on fund raising for the new pavilion. Thanks to Karen and Dexter for organising the Scarecrow Competition, sharing the photos on Social Media, which has raised awareness of our project.

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SCHOOL NEWS: The Head Teacher Award for children showing acts of Hope, Faith and Love are as follows : Caterpillars, Woody; Spiders,Mei; Dragonflies, Freddie; Bees, Amber. The Class awards this week are; Caterpillars, Jasmine and Marley; Spiders, Edie and Max; Dragonflies, Amelie and Solomon; Bees, Isabella and Raven. The Caretaker’s Cup goes to Caterpillars again. Spiders have won the Attendance award. The PTFA Disco will now take place on 13th November. The school Harvest Festival takes place in church this morning, Friday, at 9 am. The swimming pool is now closed. Some improvement work will be carried out before the pool is winterised. The school is still collecting teddies for refugee children.

CONTACT: Please keep information and reports coming in to Village Voice. Ring me on 815 247, pop round or use the e-mail. Thank you to everyone who has helped this week.

AND FINALLY: Continue to enjoy the sunshine while you can. The wonderful moon last weekend is also known as the Harvest Moon, being the first full moon after the Equinox. It has been bright enough to be out of doors without a torch. Hope you have a good week.

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