LETTER: Death sentence for thriving club

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Your letters
I wonder if your readers are aware that the wonderful ‘state of the art’ leisure centre, proposed for the Broadbridge Heath Quadrant, is at the sacrifice of the Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club.

Having been part of the Option 7a plan in 2012 we are now excluded from the new plans.

The council has invited the club to resubmit our claim to remain part of the leisure complex (the only club in the Option 7a plan to have to do this!).

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The users of the existing leisure centre have an undertaking from Horsham District Council, that they will continue to function until the new facility is built estimated 2016.

This plan cannot be achieved without firstly demolishing the bowls facility as this occupies a large proportion of the new site. This would mean the death of our bowls club.

We have a thriving junior section and several younger members who frequently represent the county, but the majority of our members are over 60 and are unable to participate in more active sports such as badminton etc.

Are we being relegated to sitting at home watching ‘daytime television’ day-in day-out (not the healthy option?) because Horsham District Council does not consider it cost effective to provide a sports facility for the ever ageing population of Horsham?


Hermongers Lane, Rudgwick