LETTER: Law of unintended consequences

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Referring to the letters on page 39 of last week’s CT, Government policy on green energy continues to shift away from its evangelical roots, recognising that green charges have caused energy intensive businesses to move abroad.

Unfortunately many have moved to countries where CO2 output from power stations is much higher per kWhr and global emissions have increased as a result.

Such is the law of unintended consequences.

It is logical to reduce CO2 emissions, not least because reducing fossil fuel consumption has financial benefit, but that should not be done indiscriminately.

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Priority should be given to the most cost effective means of reducing emissions (eg home insulation) before moving on to the least cost effective, such as solar PV.

Yes the cost of PV panels has come down, but the cost of energy storage (eg using batteries) must be added, if a true comparison is to be made with the 24 x 7 National Grid.

If PV panels don’t come with energy storage, then the Grid has to provide back up power, when the sun is not shining and that costs money.

So, when Horsham district councillors turned down the prospect of around 80ha (200 acres) of our beautiful countryside with glittering solar panels, we should surely have been cheering them from the rooftops, for not following outdated government diktat.

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We can only hope that they will be equally strong and intelligent, when they come to vote on the HD Planning Framework, objectively balancing evidence against the calls of the evangelist.


Arun Road, Billingshurst