DAVID TUTT, EASTBOURNE BOROUGH COUNCIL LEADER: Ukraine, and the closure of a post office

Sadly, we continue to witness the destruction of Ukraine on a daily basis.

The events are truly horrific, and I am sure that we all want to do everything that we can to help those who are fleeing from their homes and are seeking safe refuge in Britain and other countries.

I know that many people are keen to offer accommodation to displaced Ukrainian nationals and I am regularly asked questions about how the support will operate in the UK.

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This will involve a number of different agencies, including health; children’s services at East Sussex County Council; housing and community services at Eastbourne Borough Council; business and voluntary organisations and of course Government departments.

The plans which are being drawn up by the Government are filtering down to local councils and those in East Sussex are working together to ensure a consistent approach across the county.

In order to share information as fast as possible, the Borough Council has created a dedicated webpage for information on support for the Ukraine and this can be found here

Last week, I received a communication from the Post Office informing me that they are intending to close the Sub Post Office at 326 Seaside and asking me if I wanted to respond to the consultation on the closure.

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This I have done, objecting strongly to the proposal as this office serves a large community in the Roselands, Archery and Seaside area and has done for many years.

The current office has been there for decades and opened to replace the old office which was on the opposite side of the road.

I have also offered to work with them to identify a fresh location within the Roselands area if this is causing them a problem.

In fairness to the Post Office, they are planning to open a new office linked to a shop at 204 Seaside and I have no objection to this happening, but this is a fair distance away and I do object to it being at the expense of the existing facility.

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The consultation runs until April 26 and can be accessed online at https://www.postofficeviews.co.uk/national-consultation-team/seaside-326-bn22-7rh-214907-1/ if you have strong views on this issue, please spare a couple of minutes to respond, it just might make all the difference.

Stay safe!